On the run.....

Our SOS - Thanks Dad!
It sounds easy.........."let's just go the Caribbean, relax, cut our ties to the rat race". The reality can be a bit different. Certain governmental tax agencies don't allow citizens to just disappear for a year. For that matter, neither do Athleta, Victoria's Secret, and Mastercard. Thank God for our SOS (Shoreside Operations and Support) group. My mom and dad have managed our pile of mail and correspondence we never could have expected. They have filled out numerous documents, made multiple trips to the post office and basically managed much of our shore life.

It does set up some awkward future moments. Since Herb (my dad) responded to our audit issue for us, I'm imagining the next time we show up in Wisconsin and one of us is wearing a new shirt - "Sure you can afford that?" On this Father's Day, we want to give a special thank you to him for always helping us out and embracing our crazy sailing life. You truly are the very best.

Speaking of being on the run, it seems a lot of folks stop running right here in southern Grenada. Scores of boats just bobbing in the bay, with people that look like they haven't done much in years.......white scraggly beards, washed out clothes, barnacles the size of small dogs..........I'm sure if I had enough milk cartons with missing people on them, I could find quite a few of the missing here.

We are going to try to avoid growing roots here and are already planning our trip to Bonaire. It will be about 420 miles and take us halfway across the top of South America. We're excited, and Tom is determined to finally catch a large fish off the back of the boat.