Fun with our sailing buddy

Kirstin and I have been spoiled by having Emily on board for over a week. Emily fills the role of stunt-kid, sailing buddy, snorkel pal, and general co-conspirator. At 20, she's at the age where she's young enough to be adventurous at yet old enough to get into adult trouble.

We heard about a cool snorkeling spot on the island and found it an irresistible opportunity. There was one small impediment.......that being that the area is closed by the US Military (some matter about unexploded ordnance again). The closed, chained, and locked gate......along with big, big warning sign further whet our collective appetite for fun.

Not wanting to disappoint Emily, we squeezed through the gate and were off. A short half-hour later we were chasing stingrays and fish in another cool coral field.

We've also harnessed the labor potential of the situation and promoted Emily to chief pancake maker. Her skills, finely honed at VA Tech, have made her a natural on a boat, where limited space and power management is important.

Anything for snorkeling
Emily's fine job with food prep earned her another afternoon movie..........not wanting to participate in reading time (just before happy hour), she has instead been watching our collection of movies each afternoon.......although Cast Away (Tom Hanks) was probably a poor choice ahead of our sail this Sunday back to St. Thomas.

So what the three of us do all day? A whole lotta nothing. Wake up (late), eat, snorkel, lunch, talk about dinner, happy hour, dinner......then maybe a comedy before bed time. Day after day. The weather has been fantastic in Culebra and we will be sad to leave it (again). What's worse, Emily must return to Blacksburg (the Siberia of Virginia). But we have a few more days to enjoy.

Zoni Beach, Culebra

Flamenco Beach, Culebra