
Showing posts from February, 2024

A Winter Holiday and Time on Skid Row

If you're a boat, it doesn't get any worse than this.....cyclone pit at Vuda Greetings, L'ORIENTALs. We know we have been delinquent in posting. We received a dressing down from readers the world over including Ana from Albania who writes "capo ndodh me ju djema", which translates to "what's up with you guys ?" for the rest of the world. Point taken. A sad moment- like leaving our baby at the town dump After placing L'ORIENT in a cyclone pit (quite literally a slit-trench in the ground supported by disused car and truck tires), we hurriedly got ready to leave for the US. Living on a boat in the tropics, you only can have what you absolutely need. A constant problem we face is that we don't have winter clothes on the boat.......they'd take up too much space and quickly turn into a moldy mess. So the next best thing is to layer inappropriate clothes in a Madonna-esque way to fight the cold until we can get to Target. The view off the bow is