
Showing posts from October, 2014

Almost Time.....

It's early October and we're leaving in 6 weeks !!!  This time it's not just a trip- it's actually our new lifestyle (which is thrilling and scary at the same time). Tom will be working in the USA every March, April, September and October. The rest of the time we'll be on L'ORIENT, wherever that may be.......the Caribbean for at least the next 3 years. Kirstin is fully retired, yet busier than ever. She's overhauling our yacht canvas piece by piece, as well as making pillows, tablecloths, and even winch covers. She loves her sewing machine, and the inside of our boat now resembles a sweat shop.......fabric, grommets, other tools of the trade everywhere. Our boat projects are coming along slowly. It's dawned on us that anything we need to order (especially something big and mechanical) would need to be ordered soon. We're working our list down as obscure as "change batteries/pads in defibrillator", and "reacti