Tom and Kirstin in Paradise.........

Morning Baguette Delivery

Iles des Saintes, Guadeloupe......we love this place. This morning at 7:15 am, the baguette/croissant delivery guy comes to our boat (exactly when he said he'd arrive). "Your bread, sir". If only the French had colonized every island in the Caribbean.......

Today we actually had a bit of stress in the morning (although living on a yacht in the Caribbean makes that a relative statement). We are moored on a buoy fairly far out in the harbor. Two problems ensue.....first, it's a bit more rolly due to the swell......second, we're further from the wifi signal we are tapping into so internet is slower. This morning a boat on THE PERFECT MOORING BALL left this morning. Shazam, we spring into action...............Tom fires up the engine, Kirstin mans the bow with her buoy-harpoon (the device you grap the buoy with)...........and 10 minutes later L'ORIENT is living large in the high rent buoy district.

Today's activities are pretty much the same as every day's............french bread and pastries for breakfast, read, walk, swim, a few light boat projects, then happy hour and dinner. And we still have 85 more days of this before our next trip back to the US !!!