Who Is This Woman ?

Happy Monday
Drinking Jost Van Dyke's famous "painkiller" rum drink at 1:00 PM on a Monday ? Who does this woman think she is.......what about her job ? Oh, yeah.......she doesn't have one. What about the flight home; don't want a hangover for that !!! Oh, that's right.......there is no flight home. She lives just over there on the boat.

Kirstin and I are still pinching ourselves. We can't believe it. We are floating off the coast of Jost Van Dyke in the BVI in utter shock. We arrived very late Thursday to our boat. Two days of maintenance (filters, oil, laundry, provisions) and we set sail on Sunday in perfect winds from Tortola to JVD. It's really hard after years and years of looking at my cellphone every 10 minutes to get used to the fact that we don't have to do that anymore. Everything has slowed down. I'm planning on finding out who won the weekend's football encounters before Wednesday.  It's beyond good, and words can't describe the joy we are feeling now. I keep catching myself gazing out over the channel to St. John and smiling like a psycho.

We've already seen a few of our new sailing friends in Tortola and JVD.......Marie-Claude and Andre aboard Dancing Lizard were great to catch up with. We also saw Donato aboard Oceano2. And we're trying to plan a rendezvous with our cheesehead brethren on Wavelength before the 31st.

We've been living off Chardonnay and conchfritters but tonight we have to start to eat some of our old provisions from the Carib 1500.....so it's  Beefaroni and Chardonnay.....yum. Tomorrow we might head to Anegada or we might just take a nap.