Tis the Season!
A festive display of holiday cheer in Cartagena Happy holidays to our followers, even you folks from strange and unappealing cultures that we certainly won't visit in 2019 (or probably ever). Tis the season !!! Some problems at the nuclear power plan 20 miles north The much anticipated visit from Princess Emily was fun, fun, fun......and also quite useful for her as she now is an auditor of large international bank servicing loans to Colombia. We toured Cartagena- by bus, horse, and on foot. Is your horse safe ? Response- "This is not my horse" While Emily shared our amazement at the nice new condos and construction cranes everywhere, the look of revulsion on Emily's face is a, well, look of revulsion. Emily sizing up some unappealing lunch options... The 95 degree butchery in the Bazurto Market with no refrigeration caught her a bit by surprise. Ham and cheese on rye m'am ? Uh, no. Looking for Saks Fifth Avenue - you said we were goin...