
Showing posts from July, 2020

Making lemonade out of lemons

New financial strategy- run to the end of rainbows and mug leprechauns On L'ORIENT we celebrated the fact that 2020 is half over and reminisced about our plans as they stood on the eve of this year. "Plan" has actually found its way on the L'ORIENT banned word list, along with statements like "the boat's running perfectly", "the weather looks great", and "the stock market is up". This year has taught us that nothing stays planned and flexibility is important. Jaw dropping beauty on NW coast of Kaua'i So how do the NW Central Pacific's most important life-style blogging cruisers cope, you ask ? We've taken a page from nature actually........the humble ostrich. Kirstin and I now boycott almost all news. Information now comes to us from books. Our stress levels? Down 50%. Coronavirus cases exploding all throughout the US ? Not on L'ORIENT. Kirstin is learning French online and I'm reading Wodehouse. Try wo...