Sooooo Easy- Boat Work, A Visit From The Princess, and a Cyclone
A family portrait We're not just liking Australia. WE ARE LOVING IT. And even the most routine touches with Australia and Australians can be fun. Imagine you are ordering food at a restaurant. Tom- "I'll have the baked chicken" Server- "One baked chicken........sooo easy" Tom- confused look, then "Oh, and a Coke Zero to drink" Server- "And a Coke Zero.........sooo easy" Kirstin- confused look, then "I'll have the salad" Server- "One salad........sooo easy" You get the picture. This is apparently an Aussie thing. As a filler word (usually indicating that they understand or acknowledge something), Aussies are having some fun with language by using the most preposterous word or phrase, followed by a smile. Order a sandwich at Subway? You might get an "Amazing". And now we do it to each other. "Kirstin, please pass the salt" will generally get me a "sooo easy" response. Try it, it's fu...