Buggery on the balcony.............or reactionaries in Roseau ?
Kirstin and I are sitting in a lunch place in Roseau. We've moved the boat south to Dominica's biggest town. As we're waiting for lunch, the local paper is sitting on the table next to us. Three inch headlines announce "Buggery !!!". Two forlorn looking perps are on the page. First of all..........neither of us know what "buggery" means. What could these guys have done ? Sounds like they asked the same question 3 times and are being prosecuted for it. Anyway, as Kirstin reads the article it becomes apparent what buggery is. Apparently a Celebrity cruise ship stopped in Roseau, and these two guys were doing something on their balcony (facing the whole town) - twice - that is best done in front of a smaller audience. Cops run onto the boat...............and somehow find these guys still at it. Busted..........actually for indecent exposure vs. buggery (which probably carries some medieval penalty in Dominica.....like 2 weeks in the rack) Having the l...